Human verified AI

Fine-tuned Artificial Intelligence isn’t always enough. That’s why we also rely on our growing expert network to deliver unique insights and predictions.

By combining the power of AI with our global network of real-world experts, we ensure high quality information and predictions from the people that shape the future in their area of expertise.
Access the platform to browse more than 1000 approved and identified experts.

Want to join our expert network?

We are proud to already host a network of some of the most outstanding thinkers and shapers. Join our expert network and become part of an exclusive club of thought leaders and visionaries and unlock free access to our premium platform.
Your expertise, ideas and vision will be featured on our platform and shared with thousands of decision makers, peers and investors.
Being a Supertrends expert also opens new opportunities for networking with peers and other relevant people. You can be as involved as you want to, from simple citations to full-on authoring.